Community led total sanitation (CLTS) in the red cross/red crescent movement

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Gonzalez, Libertad
Güllemann, Heino
Thyberghien, Hildegarde
IFRC, Swiss Red Cross and French Red Cross
February 2010
Abstract / Description

In the recent years, CLTS (Community lad total sanitation) has become widely promoted and implemented by several NGOs (Plan International) and sponsored by relevant donors (UNICEF) in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 

An initial discussion on CLTS was held in the IFRC WatSan global meeting in Dakar (June 09). At that stage, key WatSan stakeholders within the red cross / red crescent showed initial concerns and resistance to a methodology that may be perceived as extremely radical in its format and/or not technically sound. However, the WatSan group agreed to conduct a further investigation on this new approach and its principles, and assess its potential relevance for RC/RC WatSan programmes. 

It was decided to conduct a mission to Cambodia, since this is the only example where the red cross / red crescent is effectively involved in CLTS implementation. The main output of the field mission is this concept note, drafted in conjunction with Cambodian RC and those PNS (French RC and Swiss RC) who presently support the CLTS implementation in Cambodia, in order to collectively identify the way forward for the future. 

The scope of the discussion paper on CLTS addresses the four following questions: 
1. What is CLTS? Is it very different from PHAST?
2. Is there any example of CLTS implementation within the RC/RC Movement? Is it positive?
3. Is CLTS a relevant methodology for the red cross / red crescent? 
4. Can CLTS be integrated in present RC/RC WatSan programming? If yes, which are the critical elements that should be taken on? (abbreviated author introduction)

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Geographic Focus
Priority Population
P4HE Authored