Process guide for city-community partnerships

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Gonzalez, Rosa
Toloui, Minna
Greenlink Equity Map
September 2020
Abstract / Description

This guide offers a set of guideposts to support city staff in designing and implementing inclusive processes for shared analysis based on the equity data provided in the Greenlink Equity Map (GEM) (and potentially additional data as well) through collaboration with community partners. Engaging with impacted communities is key to 1) understanding the stories behind the data patterns the maps provide, 2) unlocking the insights and capacity needed to identify and implement genuine solutions to equity gaps and effective climate action, and 3) determining effective means by which to share the data with the larger population.

This guide provides an outline of a process. It does not include every detail, nor every possibility for action. We recommend seeking additional guidance, when needed, in carrying out the process, and have provided a list of resources in the appendix. This guide is intended to be used collaboratively by city and community leaders in order to develop mutual understanding of relevant disparities and data reflected in your city’s
equity maps. If the data received from GEM is not being shared using the principles described in this guide and the resources compiled below, in partnership with community leaders, it is not being used as intended. (author introduction)

Artifact Type
Reference Type
P4HE Authored